Staffing Coordinator
Brief info

Cindia Williams began her career at Royal Oak Nursing Center as a C.N.A. in March of 2000. Alongside Cindia’s demand for ensuring that our residents are well cared for, her work ethic and problem-solving skills landed her the role as not only the staffing coordinator, but the central supply coordinator. If you ask Cindia what the most inspiring aspect of her job is, she will quickly tell you it’s her coworkers. Cindia’s coworkers, when asked, will tell you that no matter how busy Cindia is, she is always willing to drop whatever she is doing and lend a helping hand. Outside of work, Cindia enjoys spending time with her husband, who is her high school sweetheart and best friend, and their children. Cindia says if there was any other career that provided as much purpose, it would be a veterinarian or a zookeeper because of her love of animals.

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